Please do Not Throw Rocks into Lake Tomah

Before and After adding Rocks to Lake Tomah

Rocks along water body shorelines also called riprap are used for erosion control. Flowing water and wave action against unprotected shorelines can cause extensive erosion damage.
Here on Lake Tomah rocks are not naturally occurring along our shoreline. Rocks have to be purchased and hauled using taxpayer dollars to protect our shorelines from erosion. Without this protection on our trails and observation areas with benches and tables would soon be damaged or destroyed.
It is a natural tendency for young and old alike to throw rocks into the water to watch the splash and the ripple effect.
It is requested that you please refrain from the throwing of rip-rap rock from our lake & river shorelines into the water. The cost, equipment, manpower, and placement of the rocks make it very difficult to replace.
-Lake Tomah Commitee-